Site Updates

So, I figured I’d spend a little bit of time cleaning up some old posts. If you go back and look at some of my older posts, around the code you’ll see tags such as: [cc lang="c-sharp"] or [/cc]. These tags are from the codecolorer plugin from when I was... [Read More]
Tags: update

dEngine 1

As mentioned in my last post 2023-07-13-dEngine-0 I’m going to be keeping up with a dev blog. I’m horrible out writing every day I work on it, but perhaps just establishing a regular cadence even if it’s not every time I do a little would be good. I would like... [Read More]
Tags: dengine c++

dEngine 0

So this is going to mark the start of my dev blog for dEngine. I figured it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start keeping track of it. While I don’t expect this to be a daily thing, it could help just keeping my motivation up and being true to... [Read More]
Tags: dengine c++

Notetaking on steriods

Over the past few years I’ve been diligently using Joplin as my primary note taking application. It’s always been very clean and easy to work with, plus being able to sync it to my personal NAS has been very helpful. But the other day I came across a new application... [Read More]


It’s been a day and forever since I’ve messed around any with C++ so I decided why not try and get back into it? It’s always good to brush up on skills you’ve gotten rust (VERY RUSTY) on. Though I wouldn’t say I was ever a master at C++, and... [Read More]